This is an emergency.
The COVID pandemic is hitting us hard. Racial injustice, economic disparity, and climate change are hitting us even harder.
So, we’re going on strike.
We are still burning coal in New England for electricity, and we are all paying for it.
The most vulnerable people in our communities, especially Indigenous, Black, and other people of color, are even more at risk from the pandemic, pollution and economic injustice right now.
Burning coal is a nonessential, immoral act that increases risk of respiratory illness and damages the planet.
It’s long past time to close the last big coal plant in New England, the Merrimack Generating Station in Bow, NH.
Strike Down Coal. Build Up Justice.
We’re going on a utility strike to end coal.
We won’t pay our electric bills until the utilities stop subsidizing coal in New England. Right now, approximately 10% of every New Englander’s electric bill subsidizes fossil fuel plants. The policies that prop up this industry must be changed.
The people in power must change course.
The utilities and their regulator, ISO-New England, are using everyone’s money to prop up dangerous, dirty, uneconomical and unnecessary coal and gas plants. That money should be used for ratepayer relief and debt forgiveness during this economic crisis, not line the pockets of hedge funds.
Everyone should have access to the resources they need.
The racial and economic inequalities in our country amplify the negative effects of the pandemic and the climate crisis. The most vulnerable people in our communities are even more at risk right now.
When those in power don’t act, we will do what must be done.
Instead of continuing to send money to the fossil fuel industry, we will act together to build the world we want to live in. Those who are able will redistribute money to people and organizations fighting for racial and environmental justice. Our culture tells us we are isolated individuals, but when we act together we are powerful.